Aditya Ranjan Samal

Student in Rourkela, Odisha, India

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Hello, I'm Aditya Ranjan Samal, a passionate B Tech (CSE) student at ITER College of Engineering. I've always had a deep fascination for the world of computers and technology, and my journey in this field has been nothing short of thrilling.

From a young age, I discovered my love for chess, and it has become an integral part of my life. As a professional chess player, I've honed my strategic thinking, problem-solving skills, and perseverance on the chessboard, and I continue to strive for excellence in this mind-boggling game. You can check out my profile here: [ Profile]and my lichess profile here: [Lichess Profile].

Beyond the chessboard, I am an enthusiastic OS debugger, always eager to delve into the intricacies of operating systems and uncover their secrets. There's something incredibly satisfying about solving complex issues and making technology work seamlessly.

Aside from my academic and professional pursuits, I have a soft spot for our feline friends. I absolutely adore cats and find their playful antics and independent nature fascinating. You'll often find me spending my free time with these marvelous creatures, soaking in their calming presence.

In a world driven by innovation, I'm determined to stay at the forefront of technology, combining my computer science knowledge with my chess skills to approach challenges with a strategic mindset. Whether it's optimizing algorithms, debugging code, or plotting my next chess move, I am Aditya Ranjan Samal, a dedicated explorer in the realms of computers, technology, and chess, with a heart full of love for cats.

  • Education
    • Ispat English Medium School, Rourkela
    • ITER College Of Engineering, Bhubaneswar