Allison Epstein
Lansing, Michigan
Allison Epstein is a 2014 graduate of the University of Michigan with a B.A. in honors creative writing, English, and French. She is the managing editor at the nonprofit body image and feminist website Adios Barbie, a blogger and writer at The Body Pacifist, featured student writer at the John Hewitt International Summer School (August 2013), and becoming continually more and more absorbed by revisions of her first novel.
Her fiction and poetry has appeared in Fortnight Literary Press, Xylem Literary Magazine, the RC Review, The Offbeat, and the Michigan Daily's literary issue.
Favorite writing credits include:
Field of Flowers (short fiction)
There Is No Love For Mathematicians (poetry)
Four Things Not To Say To Someone In Recovery - And Four To Try Instead (web journalism)
5 Feminist Reasons to Love Disney's Frozen (web writing, film review)