Amir Husain

Amir Husain is the President and CEO of VDIworks, responsible for strategy, marketing and development. Prior to VDIworks, Amir was CTO at ClearCube where he spearheaded the development of cutting-edge centralized desktop computing solutions and products. Amir also serves on the Boards of ClearCube, Wheel InnovationZ, - developer of 3 World #1 mobile apps, SBMK Foundation and Alif Laila Educational Society. Prior to ClearCube, Amir founded infraManage, a systems management company that merged with ClearCube in 2002. Earlier, he founded Kurion, a Web services company and was inventor of its proprietary technology. Kurion was acquired by iSyndicate. Amir is the inventor of ClearCube's patented Distributed Computing Infrastructure. He holds about 20 filed and awarded patents, and has authored numerous articles and journal papers. Amir holds degrees in CS from the Punjab Institute of Computer Sciences and UT Austin. He serves on the Board of Advisors of several startups, and Alif Laila Children's Society, a non-profit organization based in Lahore, Pakistan, and funded by over 30 international institutions including the United Nations.