Aidan Baron

Paramedic and Doctor in Sydney, Australia

Read my articles

Aidan is a registered paramedic, educator, researcher, and doctor based in Sydney Australia.

He is currently the Clinical Lead for CHS NSW (a community based first response charity), Honorary Researcher in Urgent and Emergency Health Care and Workforce Research at Kingston University London, The International Course Director of The PoCUS Course UK, EU, and Australia, sits on the editorial board of the Journal of Paramedic Practice, and is a Central Council member and Non Executive Director of EMUGs Australia/NZ.

He is the inaugural recipient of a Philips Young Clinical Pioneer Scholarship for innovation in prehospital point of care ultrasound, and is CQUniversity‘s 2022 Alumnus of the Year for International Contributions to Paramedicine and Emergency Medicine.

He is a regular reviewer for Resuscitation, EMJ, AJUM, and other EM and prehospital care journals; and has been an invited speaker in 13 countries.

  • Education
    • BParamedPrac, BSc Hons, GCertClinUS (EM), MD