Aisha K Rasul
Social Media and Digital Marketing in San Francisco, California
Aisha K Rasul
Social Media and Digital Marketing in San Francisco, California
Hi! Marhaba! Salam! Hola! Nee how!
My friends call me Butterfly – I love to socialize and meet different people, Giggles – Often accused of laughing too much, and I’ll admit I’ve been called Medusa – I’ve had my share of hair malfunctions. You can call me Aisha. It means life... It’s my name and my love.
I'm CEO and founder at SociStory. I spend my workdays on managing social media and digital marketing strategy. I get creative with partnerships, influencers, and ads.
I consider myself an explorer, a thinker, a visionary. I dare to venture into the unknown with hopes of discovering new treasure, which can be friendships, perspectives, or that aha moment when I realize why something that previously sounded absurd now makes all the sense in the world.
My key takeaway from my Bachelor of Science in Finance: Without risk there is no return. I think risk is the currency of life... And change is growth =P
I have an eternal affinity for diversity, culture, and travel. I’m a music aficionado making my own life soundtrack.
Carpe diem.