Filmmaker, Director, and video in San Diego, California


Filmmaker, Director, and video in San Diego, California

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Akira Chan is a documentary filmmaker and cofounder of Rare Media, a video studio that produces transformational films, series, and documentary content for entrepreneurs, organizations, and brands that include Chopra Global, Mindvalley, and The Genius Network.

Akira’s past projects include “The Bloom,” a series on transformational festival culture, “The Miracle Morning,” a documentary on the science on morning routines, and “Igniting Impact,” a series highlighting entrepreneurs working towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Recent projects include “Black Star,” an award winning film on art and addiction, a pilot series on the art of herbalism, and “Little Humans” a series on conscious parenting published by Mindvalley.

Akira also serves as director of media for a fast growing renewable energy company, and advisor to conscious media platform CGoodTV. When he’s not running multiple creative productions, Akira enjoys time with his wife Renee and 3 year old son, Osiris.



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