Alessandra Granaudo

Training Manager in Milano

Alessandra Granaudo

Training Manager in Milano

Read my articles

Hi, I'm Alessandra!
Based in Milano, I work as a Key Account Manager & Learning Experience Specialist at Avanscoperta.

Newsletter Writer ✍️ and Lover ❤️.

My personal Super Power 💪:

- Curiosity

- Good manners

- Empathy

- Flexibility

- Digital skills

- Organisational skills

- Ability to delegate & let go.

I do my best to keep myself engaged, curious, open to new stories, and ready for asking, “how we can think through this together?”.

In short: Passionate about Learning, Digital and Communication. I observe, read, and when possible I do.

My motto: “Learning to be a better dancer”.

I love cycling 🚴🏼‍♀️, dancing the tango 💃and playing tennis 🎾.

You can read some of my articles with a click on the button above.

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