Alex Berman

Manalapan, New Jersey

My name is Alex Berman and I am a 20 year old kid looking forward to a career centered around basketball. I was born and raised in Manalapan, New Jersey by loving and giving parents. At this moment in my life, the word that has been circling throughout my mind is "perspective". To make the most of every experience I have in my life, I need to understand every position to eliminate judgment of people and maintain peace whether it be within myself or amongst others. Therefore, my expectation of others is to be and act exactly as they deem fulfilling. For me, I want to enjoy every possible moment I have been given on Earth. And so I have decided to pursue a career in writing about the game of basketball.

In college, they title it "Sports Journalism" but basically I want to talk about basketball. I want to share my analysis and insight on team and individual performances on the basketball court. There are many talented journalists that focus on the game being played but on the other hand, many "analysts" speak in generalizations and assumptions. To be successful, I plan on reading player tendencies and recording information as I watch games. Hopefully, in a couple of years, my work will be recognized as I continue to develop as a writer and a person.

  • Work
    • Mezza Luna
  • Education
    • Colts Neck High School
    • Brookdale Community College
    • UMass Amherst