Alex Lizzi

Alex Lizzi lives with his wife, Janice in Pine,
Colorado, atop Pine Valley, which looks down onto Pikes Peak and its
surrounding range of mountains. He has
been a hairdresser for the last 35 years and attributes much of his writing
creativity to his vast client base that he has been privileged to serve of the

Alex started his career as a
hairdresser in a small town just north Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where most of
his clientele were involved in the steel industry. This gave him a very rich and colorful view
of life through the eyes of the blue-collar working man. After the decline of the steel industry, Alex
moved to Evergreen, Colorado, in 2985, which led him to the opposite end the
spectrum, where his clients where mainly high level executives.

Listening to the views, interests,
and opinions of such a variety of people, along with his genuine love of books,
has awakened his desire to write, opening up yet another chapter in Alex's life
that he hopes to enjoy for years to come.