Elona Alexander

Taipei, Taiwan

Elona Alexander

Taipei, Taiwan

A lifelong learner in Architecture. An individual from the Caribbean island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines who travelled to the other side of the world to pursue her studies in Architecture. During the 8+ years living in the east, she is still learning how to appreciate the moment, simplicity in life, and making self discoveries along with many others.

For some, the "who am I?" question can be quite elusive and at times unanswerable. The importance of having a deeper knowledge of who you are can never be overstated. I am still on that quest to discover the many wonders of the world and my world. To fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of self as a human being, this is my one goal.

A Painter, Photographer, Writer - a lover of the Arts! Someone who is deeply passionate about the human state, a humanitarian at heart, and believer of all things good, beautiful and mysterious.

For me, architecture started from the exploration and enjoyment of art. Art led me to an interest in building. More than anything else, the study of architecture is a journey into the refines of one’s own mind. Through architecture you constantly explore yourself, your society, and ultimately, your own mental representation of the world. It has the ability to teach, create, and allow unique opportunities to influence our thinking and broaden our interactions. It is for this reason that architecture is not something you can just fall into – it must be a lifestyle.

I see architecture as a challenge to create new ways of expression which captures users and observers and allows the built form to express meaning, and ultimately a delight through its use. The design aesthetic of what I do is drawn from the form and colours of surrounding natural landscapes, as well as influences important to the client. This could be a work of art, a reference to something that inspires, an idea they particularly relate to on the site, or a significant memory. It’s incredibly fulfilling to create buildings that engage the people who interact with these spaces. The experience, and all facets of design is enormously rewarding.

My vision is to become an Architect, an Educator, and a Designer. To create an environment that inspires one that promotes a positive social interaction, encourages a sustainable, diverse, and well-balanced lifestyle...for everyone.