Lloyd Alexandre
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Lloyd Alexandre
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Lloyd is a computer enthusiast. Starting from a very young age Lloyd has been exposed to technology since he was given an Atari 2600 at around the age of 7. Shortly after he received his first computer, an Commodore VIC20, followed by a Commodore 64, where he first learned how to program. Lloyd currently does not program, but still keeps up with varying technologies. He also enjoys gaming of all sorts. His favourite game is Chess, and his tastes spanned from all types of video games, card games, and table games. Visual arts has also been his interest. During high school Lloyd took courses in Video Arts, and Photography, later attended CDIS (now AI) for 3D Animation. Although he never perused a careers in visual arts, he continues to take any opportunity to take photos when he can.