Alex "C-G" Cureton-Griffiths


Projects I'm involved with:

  • I'm the Global Projects Lead for SpaceGAMBIT, a US-government-funded, open-source, hackerspace space program. We're democratizing the aerospace industry, getting space tech into the hands of citizen scientists, and crowdsourcing humanity to the stars.
  • I'm the ringleader behind Project Kick Ass, the KICKstarted African Sky Survey. We're aiming to get open-source telescopes into the hands of African kids, and foster the next generation's astronomy, maker, and STEM skills
  • I'm helping a European government set up an aerospace incubator to fund promising new startups.
  • I'm building a platform, network, and organization to facilitate crowdsourced changing of the world, with an initial focus on sustainability down here on Earth and up there in space.

Besides that, I'm constantly on the road hunting for cool projects for SpaceGAMBIT to fund, finding funding for our projects, as well as getting out the word about what we (and our partners) do.

I live out of one small-ish backpack and am all about travelling light. This somewhat clashes with trying to look classy, and this is the central, overarching conflict in my life. Just kidding. Maybe second or third biggest.

I studied Chinese at university, danced terrible drag ballet on reality TV, got stranded for 6 months in the Gobi Desert and smashed up my knee in a lightsaber duel. I carry a small coffee maker everywhere I travel in the world.

My playa name is Fez.

I'm into making (though I rarely get time), space, learning, and travelling. And getting my US/UK spellings confused.

  • Work
    • SpaceGAMBIT
  • Education
    • University of Otago