Alexis Tucker
Valdosta, Georgia, United States
Alexis Tucker
Valdosta, Georgia, United States
As time goes on, I have come to realize that college in the best time to discover who you are as a person. Before coming to Valdosta State, I thought I had everything figured out. I was under the assumption that my plan was unwavering; however, I was completely wrong. I could have never predicted the events that have occurred in my college career. At one point in time, I believed that nineteen was old, but I now know that the world is mine and that I have my whole life ahead of me. Each day I seem to learn a little more about who Alexis is. Being on my own has genuinely taught me how to remain focused, become more humble, and strive for what it is that I want. Nothing in life is given to you; hard work and persistence are the only answers.
Currently, I am a Criminal Justice major and Spanish minor. After receiving my Bachelor's degree, I plan on going to Law School to become a Lawyer. As a child, I have always been very vociferous. If I felt something was wrong I was sure to stand up for what I believed was right. Talking in front of crowds has never been a problem. Throughout high school, I was a theatre student; performance has always been a forte of mine.
A few interesting facts about me:
I plan on studying abroad next year. Hopefully, in a Spanish speaking country so I can put my bilingual skills to use.
My mother and I have the same birthday.
My best friends call me Kim because my personality reminds them of Kim Kardashian. We call ourselves the 'Black Kardashian Sisters'.
I often come off as an introvert person until I become comfortable with the person.
I love to read. There is nothing more attractive than than intelligence. I strive to become more knowledgeable every day.
In my free time I love to do arts and crafts. Give me some glitter, paper, and sicssors and I am the happiest person alive.