Alex Kipman

Software Engineer, Innovator, and Technical Fellow in Bellevue, WA

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Alex Kipman's trajectory at Microsoft is nothing short of spectacular. His undying passion for integrating AI with human-centric experiences led to the birth of Kinect, which swiftly claimed the crown as the globe's most rapidly purchased consumer electronics gadget. Such unparalleled feats didn't go unnoticed. In 2011, Microsoft recognized his genius, bestowing upon him the honor of Technical Fellow and granting him a spot in the illustrious Microsoft Hall of Legends.

Kipman's origins trace back to Brazil. His formative academic years were spent at the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he secured a Software Engineering degree in 2001. This educational journey played an instrumental role in molding his visionary perspective, propelling him to be an iconic figure in the tech world.

The innovative prowess of Alex hasn't just shaped technological paradigms; it has also garnered him a plethora of esteemed honors. In 2011, TIME Magazine featured him in their '100 People of the Year, marking his significance in the tech cosmos. The subsequent year, the respected Intellectual Property Foundation recognized Kipman's inventive genius, conferring the title 'National Inventor of the Year.' Fast forward to 2021, his stellar contributions to the field of computer vision culminated in his clinching the Longuet-Higgins Prize during the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

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  • Education
    • Rochester Institute of Technology