Albert Baldwin

Newark, Delaware

I am the sole proprietary of an emerging independent 3-d animation production company that utilizes an unique real-time rendering engine to produce engaging visual communication mediums for commercial distribution at a fraction of current cost/time mottoes.

I have over 15 years of experience in various aspects of traditional and computer animation production whether 2D or 3D, including but not limited to story-boarding, script-writing, composition, animation, particle effects, modeling, texturing,rigging and compositing, as well as a strong proficiency in lighting, color theory and cinematography.

Currently I am investigating the Augmented Reality medium and have come up with ingenious things that have not yet been devised with this emerging medium, one of which is a holodeck application. I am also investigating prototype designs for hmd hardware to work with it. I would like to secure a few key investors at this early stage, then would like to promote a croudfunding campaign, depending on the success of the initial investments secured.

Hopefully the success of my initial campaign grows into an opportunity which will allow for a mass distributed personal hmd holodeck of mixed medium AR/VR tech, with a strong emphasis on human/computer social interaction, which could usher in an alternative replacement for telecommunications, t.v., video games, and the emergence of the 3-d internet. If interested and want more info, and willing to sign a NDA, please contact me.

  • Work
    • Alfa Omega Grafx
  • Education
    • James H. Groves Adult High School
    • Art Institute of Philadelphia