Alireza Kashian

Project Manager, Director, and Software Engineer in Melbourne, Australia

Alireza Kashian

Project Manager, Director, and Software Engineer in Melbourne, Australia

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Alireza is currently the founder of Raoko / Carmido startup in Melbourne. Heis Passionate about Location-based technologies, entrepreneurship and Spatial Data Mining. He is currently working on his thesis for Phd degree at the University of Melbourne which is about analyzing the location plausibility if POIs on Open Map projects. VGI / Association Rule Mining and Collocation Pattern Mining are the techniques that he works on. He finished his Bachelor degree in electronics and did his Master of Engineering at InfoComm Institute of Singapore, Naynang Tech University. He is been founder and directors at several startup companies, including Farabord, Rojina Computer, Lilihood, PicArtia, Raoko, Tagrio and Carmido.

Alireza is also member of Australian Engineering Society, Member of OpenStreetMap Foundation, Member of internet Society (ISOC) and IEEE.

In latest startup, he works on Carmido startup which develops Telematics devices and platforms for analysing driver behaviour through machine learning. The other active project is Tagrio which is about Asset Management and Lost/Found ecosystem.

Following is the list of startups he has been involved with: (Under changes)

  • Education
    • University of Melbourne
    • Nanyang Technological University