Alison Brodie


I know I'll regret admitting this later, but I first realized I wanted to be a singer when I saw Hilary Duff's music video for her song "Why Not." In my defense, I was about twelve or thirteen at the time and my taste in music was limited to the musicals my parents introduced me to and the music videos played during the commercials of my favorite TV shows. I'm not saying "Why Not" is a bad song, but my taste shifted onto another path. That is, I wanted to be exactly like my oldest brother, so I listened to MXPX, Yellowcard, Green Day, and any album stacked on his CD rack.

I can't remember the exact time frame, but at some point in high school, I became one of those jerks that judged people for the type of music they listened to. Thankfully, I got over myself. I dated a guy who was really into techno sounding stuff, and then another that liked dance and spiritual. I started getting into everything and anything.

I'm currently listening to music by Maroon 5, Rachael Yamagata, Ben Folds Five, Incubus, The Smiths (who doesn't like them?), Adele, Grace Potter and The Nocturnals, Muse, Elton John, Regina Spektor, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes (rock cover band), Train, and Michael Jackson. I consider it a pretty random list of bands. I'm also into dance music and only a smidgen of country and rap.

As for my Bio as a singer, I started singing at age two. The proof is on a video tape of my family showing off their talents and simply playing together. I performed on a small trampoline as my mom called out songs to me. "Alison, sing "Let's go fly a kite." "Alison, Alison, "It only takes a moment"." I happily obliged.

I took three years of lessons from a wonderful teacher who had me focus on arias and classical pieces. Then I started getting leads in operettas and musical theatre, which is when I learned to belt. Through all of that, I taught myself guitar.

That's my Music Bio. Now for my personal Bio. I am 22 years old, going on 23. I had permed hair for over 3 years, but I decided I look older with straight. The picture to the right was taken in Buena Vista, Virginia by a friend of mine who is a brilliant photographer.

I majored in Theatre my freshman year and Media Studies this past year, but I am planning on changing to Music (Vocal) next semester when I transfer once again!