Allec Guire

Community Organizer and diviner in Omaha, Nebraska

Allec Guire

Community Organizer and diviner in Omaha, Nebraska

Hello! Call me Allec.

I'm a polytheist. More specifically, I believe in hardish polytheism, animism, ancestor reverence. I am an oathed devotee to Lugh and am a priest-in-training to Manannán mac Lir, but I still honor and work with other deities and spiritual entities.

I believe in the Gaelic cosmology of Land, Sky, and Sea. I aim to uphold values such as truth, hospitality, courage, honesty, generosity, good judgement, and the importance family and community bonds.

I am a diviner who uses cards, pendulums, dice, stones, books, and nature.

My goal in life is to be a resource for people to come to about their religious and spiritual problems. If you ever need any help, just click the "book a consultation" button above and I will happily assist you best I can.

  • Work
    • SeaLight Spirituality