allison peters

Allison Peters is a social media manger and digital strategist who knows that slow and steady wins the race. Building authentic networks of brand stakeholders for personalities and products is her gift. She is in the mind behind the Kerry Washington social media machine, -kw’s krew, which has an expansive and loyal base of diverse fans. She is noted for getting Kerry Washington to take the leap on Twitter. Having honed her talents at such outfits as VH1/Viacom and Bad Boy/Arista/BMG, Miss Allison has a dual insight of the large-scale corporate vision and necessary infrastructure and processes required to manage projects in the current media space.

As an international business and marketing major in college, Miss Allison had no idea that she would be behind the scenes of one of the largest global expansions of popular music in the late 90s and early 00s as a member of the Bad Boy marketing team. Harnessing the power of brand development, Miss Allison packaged and marketed artists including Puff Daddy/Diddy, 112 and many others as they staged world tours while cross-marketing with fashion and other consumer product concerns. As an industry insider, Miss Allison participated in creating the new entertainment model of brand marketing, which facilitated the global expansion of hip-hop culture.

While Miss Allison thrived in entertainment, she could not help but involve herself in new media. Telecommunication and Internet developments opened up distribution possibilities never before imaged and access to fans became immediate. Miss Allison kept abreast of all new technology products and found herself leaning toward work in social media, an interest that followed her from her work in music to fashion to marketing. Finally, she decided that she was most fulfilled when working exclusively in social media and started her own business as a social media manager.

A true creative strategist, Miss Allison has experienced many facets of the media and entertainment industry. She has found her niche in social media and continues to explore meaningful ways to foster mutually beneficial interactions with clients and consumers.

Miss Allison is a current resident of NYC where in addition to being a social media maven she also enjoys travel, event production and fashion.