Amanda Companion

I'm Amanda! I am currently a Family and Child Development major at the University of Georgia as well as minoring in Spanish.

I Love: Being outside, Animals, My family, My friends, Learning new things, Exercising, ΓΣΣ, UGA, Vermont, Working with children, Community Service and thats just a few things!

My Dreams:

I hope to one day be a pediatrician!

I would love to study abroad in a Spanish speaking country!

My Life:

I am currently living in Georgia with my Dad, Step Mom, and younger brother Adam. My Mom, Step Dad, and sister Anna live in Connecticut. I was born in South Burlington, Vermont, and lived there until I was 12. I moved to Rockledge, Florida, for 6th, 7th and 8th grade. I returned to South Burlington, Vermont, for 9th and half of 10th grade. I lived in Tampa, Florida for the ending half of 10th grade. For 11th grade I was living in Alpharetta, Georgia, however for 12th grade I attended a different high school in John's Creek, Georgia. All together I have been to four different high schools, a different school for almost every year of high school.

I used to think that it was a curse to have to move around so much, however I have now realized what a blessing it truly has been. I have been able to travel to different places, as well as meet a wie variety of new people whom I would have never been able to meet if I hadn't moved around so much.