Amanda Conklin

Volunteer in Athens, Pennsylvania

Amanda Conklin

Volunteer in Athens, Pennsylvania

Visit my website

Persistence. Integrity. Grit. Passion.

These are just a few characteristics that I admire in others and strive for in my own life.

A graduate of Clarion University, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree dual majoring in Sociology and Psychology, I am a life-long learner and someone who finds her strength under pressure.

As a true INFJ, I am an advocate for marginalized populations and seek to "be the change you wish to see in the world". I seek balance and fairness and want to see others succeed in their personal goals.

In addition to cheering on my daughters' soccer teams (go Wildcats!), I enjoy creative expression: photography, writing, and turning pallets into sawdust. When I'm not in my workshop or taxiing my girls around, I love cuddling with my 2 pugs and watching the cat parkour off the walls.

Click below for my LinkedIn profile and Flickr photography portfolio.

  • Work
    • Area Agency on Aging
  • Education
    • Clarion University of Pennsylvania