Mandy Deason

Cyber Security and SOC Manager in Louisiana

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Strong passion for learning about new things and how they work. I enjoy networking, learning, and collaborating with other professionals and I encourage you to contact me or send LinkedIn connection requests!

I Firmly believe that only through maintaining connection through human interaction can we truly learn and excel and maybe even change the world through technology.

"Good design adds value faster than it adds cost." - Thomas C. Gale

My Current Professional Life: I currently work with a great group of award-winning professionals at MRG, where the prove every day that people working for people instead of paychecks really make positive differences in the lives of others. A+ team members, effective management, respected clients and amazing candidates make being MRG's Internet Researcher more pleasure than work!

My Future Goals: I want to help companies identify and correct network vulnerabilities and increase user awareness of technology and its usefulness. I hope to be a part of larger group of people working to make online networking and storage safer and the user more knowledgeable and efficient.

About Me: I am driven to learn more about my passion, technology. I am always looking for ways to improve the world around me such as volunteering, solving problems, and sharing knowledge. I relish the feeling of accomplishment in completing a task to the best of my abilities and I strive to stay current in my field. My personal philosophy is to be kind, generous, helpful, and honest. I value strong team relationships and have learned that people are most effective when working toward a common goal versus competing with one another to obtain position and recognition. I live my life with the belief that an “oh well” is better than a “what if” because I know that no matter how far I get, I’m farther along than those that never started.

  • Work
    • LSU Shreveport
  • Education
    • Louisiana State University in Shreveport