Amanda Hite

Amanda Hite, CEO and Founder of Talent Revolution, Inc., lives her message of “Be The Change” and, for those who work with her and have heard her speak, that message is forever tattooed in their conscience. Amanda is revolutionizing the way companies think about social media, employment branding, marketing, and maximizing their return on talent. And most importantly, she’s an innovator who shows that it’s truly possible to make both meaning and money by utilizing social media for social good. From the beginning of her 15 years in the hospitality industry, Amanda quickly rose through the leadership ranks to lead Talent and Development for a corporation consisting of over 7,600 employees. Through her numerous accomplishments in that role, she became recognized as an innovator in the industry. In 2008, Amanda, along with her team, founded Talent Revolution, Inc., THE relevant talent and branding agency. TR’s dynamic group consists of experienced former Executive and C-Level industry leaders mixed with emerging Web 2.0 influencers and game changers. TR uses innovative 21st Century solutions to help companies maximize engagement with talent and consumers. As a social media strategist, Amanda has leveraged her extensive experience in the food service industry to successfully execute the marketing and communications efforts of regionally-based restaurant chains such as Monical’s Pizza and Qdoba, national brands such as SnagAJob, and international organizations such as Hard Rock Cafe. Her ability to teach, train and develop a team strategy for social media campaigns is second to none, as evidenced by the recognition TR’s clients receive from various media outlets, including the New York Times. Recently, her work with Share Our Strength’s “Dine Out for No Kid Hungry” campaign led to record-breaking numbers by utilizing the power and community of social media. Amanda’s guiding principles of authenticity, lifestyle and purpose, her proven expertise, and her dynamic stage presence has made her a highly sought after International Keynote Speaker, as she’s been in front of audiences across the U.S., the UK, and Canada. As an acknowledged thought leader, Amanda has been featured in several major national and international publications, including the cover of Nation’s Restaurant News. She is on the Advisory Board for Share Our Strength's “Dine Out for No Kid Hungry" and advocate for using social influence on and offline to #BeTheChange. Amanda also has a passion for the f