Amanda Wilson

Teacher in Belleville, ON, Canada

Amanda Wilson

Teacher in Belleville, ON, Canada

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My name is Amanda, and I am an elementary school teacher in Belleville, Ontario. I began my career at an alternative school teaching grades four to six (primarily students with autism), and have since taught primary grades in the public school system. I am currently an SESI Teacher (School Effectiveness and School Improvement, for those who, like me a few months ago, are unsure of what that means). I do one on one support and provide alternative learning environments for students who find the classroom environment too stimulating or distressing.

In my first job, I worked with many students with autism and I fell in love with it. It is my professional goal to teach in a regional resource program for students with autism. I still do respite care and tutoring for some of the students I taught that first year teaching. I am also currently taking Special Education, Part 2.

Currently, most of my knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder is anecdotal and comes from my experiences. It is my goal in taking this course that I will be able to gain some more concrete knowledge surrounding a topic I am so passionate about. I also look forward to collaboratively learning and constructing strategies to add to my toolbox.