A Maze'n Farmyard

Wholesome Fun for Families in Eden Valley, Minnesota

A Maze'n Farmyard

Wholesome Fun for Families in Eden Valley, Minnesota

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Located near Eden Valley, Minnesota, A Maze'n Farmyard provides affordable family fun for visitors of all ages. The farm features the opportunity for visitors to meet and feed many of the farm's resident animals, including goats, pigs, bunnies, and dogs. A total of 250 parakeets live in A Maze'n Farmyard's new bird house, which gives visitors an opportunity to feed the parakeets. Feed sticks are available that encourage the birds to perch and snack.

A Maze'n Farmyard also features educational programming, which teaches young visitors about animal habits and dairy farming. Children and adults alike can challenge themselves with a trip through the 19,000 square foot maze, which children often finish more easily than their parents. Families also find fun and bonding at the farm's mini golf course, giant slide, and wagon rides, while the pony rides entice and enchant numerous children.

Rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau, A Maze'n Farmyard has become popular with visitors to the area's many lakes as well as with visiting school groups. The farm continues to welcome guests from all over the United States as well as from countries as far afield as Germany and Japan.