ameer aka
ameer aka
A strategic analyst with in-depth knowledge of competitorand business analysis. A strong strategic thinker who has hands on experienceof business operations and ability to see and exploit opportunities. A wideranging experience from private equity through to FMCG organizations with highstreet brands. Developed strategy in developing markets. Results-oriented,thriving on closing deals and contributing to the bottom line. Persuasive,inspirational and a lateral thinker. Enthusiastic and positive team player
Ameer Aka is an entrepreneur in the FMCG sector. A graduateform Imperial College London, Ameer joined Credit Suisse UK in 1997 until 2003as Vice President. After many work experiences managing and executing crucialpositions in the food and beverage industry, Ameer launched his own business ofsetting up franchises such as KFC, Pizza Hut , Papa Johns and Millie's Cookiesin various parts of United Kingdom
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