Amit Dey

Consultant, Designer, and Web Developer in Kolkata, India

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I am a Book Publishing & Website design consultant, designer at Book Publishing & E-book currently living in Kolkata, India. My interests range from E-book & Book Interior design and Website design and development.

Please reach out if you need help with e-book & book formatting and website design services:

* E-book / Kindle formatting
* Children's book, Cookbook, Workbook formatting
* Book Interior Design (Paperback Hardcover)
* Fixed layout e-book for Apple Ingram Amazon
* Website Design & Develop
* Over 370 Clients Testimonials

You can click the button above to hire me. If you’d like to get in touch, feel free to say hello through any of the social links below.

  • Work
    • Book Publishing & Ebook
  • Education
    • B.Com