elizabeth brennan

Industry Leader, Facilitator, and All round bower bird of exciting projects in Miriwoong Country, Kununurra, WA

elizabeth brennan

Industry Leader, Facilitator, and All round bower bird of exciting projects in Miriwoong Country, Kununurra, WA

Read my blog

"I fall in love with people's passion - the way their eyes light up when they talk about the thing they love and the way they fill with light..."

Co-founder of agdots, a regionally-based consultancy that - through the energy of people, place and connection - generates impactful thinking and powerful results

Associate and Fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (FARLF), facilitating leadership programs for regional communities and industries

Board Director of the Rural, Regional and Remote Women's Network of Western Australia and the East Kimberley Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Company Secretary for Job Pathways, a NFP community development company, owned in partnership between two Aboriginal organisations

Councillor on the Young Farmers' Council for the National Farmers' Federation

Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)

Completed a Master of Food Security, responding to the research question “As a net food producing region, is the WA Wheatbelt food secure?”

Former Commissioner for the Agricultural Produce Commission and Non-Executive Director for regenerative food and farming company, Wide Open Agriculture (ASX:WOA)

Coordinated a $25 million DFAT-ACIAR co-funded Transformative Agriculture and Enterprise Development Program (TADEP) in Papua New Guinea

Selected to participate in the Aus-PNG Network Emerging Leaders Dialogue facilitated by the Lowy Institute and DFAT, which brought together young and dynamic leaders from across the two countries

Farmers for Climate Action Rural Futures Taskforce Advisory Panel, exploring policy recommendations to diversify regional economies in ways that don’t rely solely on the resource industry

Past President, Vice President and Company Secretary of Australian Women in Agriculture and Board Director representing Western Australia

2016 WA Young Achiever of the Year and inaugural Women in Australian Agribusiness 100 (WiAA100) Outstanding Emerging Leader

Make jam to raise funds for Alzheimer's Australia in honour of Danny and Barb