Amruth Makam

I am Amruth.A.Makam and I am a student of LIFE. Always ready to learn and share. I love exploring life and new ideas. I enjoy preaching as much as practicing. I am starting my career as a CAREER GUIDE and LIFE GUIDE. I am getting in touch with schools to have sessions for the students and help them lead an ideal life. I enforce that career and a rightful life are as important as breathing.

For further information on how I think and what I preach, one can read my blog on

To contact me, please write to [email protected]. Your mails will be responded to within a week's time. If any school is interested to hold sessions for their students, please feel free to write in and give your phone number. I will contact you.

NOTE : Sessions will be held only in Bangalore, India by default. If there are requests from other places, it has to be considered.