Amy Hanson

Avon Independent Sales Representative, Sales Lead, and Freelancer in San Jose, California

Visit my website

Hi, I’m Amy. I’m an Avon Independent Sales Representative! I love the company, and I love the quality of the products we have! I hope you will take the time to visit my website and browse through the wonderful products that Avon has to offer! If you have ever wanted to earn up to 40% of what you sell and get a discount on great products, join my Avon team! Visit my website to sign up! #beyourownboss #avon #joinmyteam

Let's see, what else do I do....I work as a Sales Lead at Gymboree, a childrens clothing store! So fun, and my kiddo loves that I get to bring her home awesome clothes! I also work from home in Social Media Reputation management. I like to stay busy, but I love doing things that allow me to spend the most time with my kiddo!

  • Work
    •, Avon, Gymboree
  • Education
    • Foothill College