Amy Schacht

Columbia, Maryland

Amy Schacht

Columbia, Maryland

Does the world REALLY need yet another blog? And from a Presbyterian minister, for that matter? Yeah – I know you’re asking that, because I’ve been asking myself that, too. And here’s my answer: Science and spirituality don’t really talk much, but they should.

The point of my spiritual life, and I’m guessing something you hope for too, is to be kinder and more compassionate, and the latest scientific research on our brains can help us do that.So I ask, “Why do we do these crazy thing?” “Why do we believe these crazy things?” “What’s going on with that three pounds of tofu I carry around in my head?” And maybe you’ll be interested, too.

In any case, you can always blame my grant-funded, much more social media savvy research assistant, who at 19 is holding this middle-aged pastor, parent, and spouse accountable in my quest to write the book, “The Psychopath Who Came to Dinner, and other tales of fear and faith.” NOW you’re interested, aren’t you?

  • Work
    • Pastor- Laurel Presbyterian Church
  • Education
    • Pennsylvania State University