Ana Salvá
Journalist and Reporter in Bangkok, Thailand
Ana Salvá is an independent Spanish journalist based in Bangkok since 2014 and covering Southeast Asia. She holds a degree in journalism and a master’s degree World History.
As a freelance journalist, she has worked with El País, The Diplomat, TV5 Monde, Al Jazeera and South China Morning Post. Primarily, she focuses on gender and human rights issues.
In 2012, she co-founded “Buscando Historias / Looking for stories”, an awarded webdoc featuring the stories of people living in China and Southeast Asia.
She also gave a masterclass on Freelance Journalism in the Spanish universities Carlos III, Nebrija (both in Madrid), Ramón Llull (Barcelona) and Alberta Jiménez (Mallorca)
TWITTER: @ana_salva /[email protected]
The reality of life for a refugee family hiding in Bangkok - Bangkok Post
Problematic rape scenes persists in Thai soap operas - SEA Globe
The secret conversion of children to Islam in Malaysia - SEA Globe
Tailandia revisa la violencia sexual en sus telenovelas- Píkara
18 vidas en 65 metros- El País