Anders Drachen

Copenhagen, Denmark

Anders Drachen, Ph.D. is a veteran Data Scientist, currently operating as Associate Professor at Aalborg University (Denmark) and as an Analytics Consultant in the Interactive Entertainment industry. His work in the game industry as well as in data and game science is focused on game analytics, business intelligence for games, game data mining, game user experience, industry economics, business development and game user research. His research and professional work is carried out in collaboration with companies spanning the industry, from big publishers to indies (e.g. Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics, IO Interactive). He writes about analytics for game development on the Game Analytics research blog, and about game- and data science in general on his personal website. His writings can also be found on the pages of trade publications such as Game Developer Magazine and His research has been covered by international media, including e.g. Wired, Koraku and Forbes. He is a former Lead Analyst for analytics provider Game Analytics.

He is one of the most published experts worldwide on the topic of game analytics, user research, game data mining, and user profiling, having authored more than 80 research publications on game analytics, user testing, and business intelligence in game development. He is also one of the editors of the book “Game Analytics – Maximizing the Value of Player Data”.