Andrea D. Smith, MBA

Marketing & Branding Professional in Atlanta, Georgia

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Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci

Your playing small does not serve the world. - Marianne Williamson


(1) Observant: I quickly see what's most needed, what would make the biggest impact with the resources at hand. (2) Expeditious: Once I've got a vision in hand, I'm on the move to get us there. (3) Global Explorer: I prefer to be in the air and somewhere different. Adore beautiful places - the unique, the artfully simple yet elegant. (4) Connector: I like to connect and be connected - particularly with people who care about making a difference and are genuinely passionate about what they do. (5) Adventurous: not afraid to LIVE. (you do, in fact, have limited time). (6) All in this together: I'm a believer in the power and edification of the community - wherever you happen to live. (7) Attitude matters (big time). The way you carry yourself matters just as much. (8) Love to walk. Novice cook. Makes pralines for fun! Love beautiful things and people. #1908

  • Education
    • Clemson University