Andrea Alexandria

Writer in Mill Valley, California

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Andrea Alexandria, Detoxification Educator, Wins the Prestigious Award for Raw Educator of the Year at the Best of Raw Awards Show in Los Angeles, California!

Andrea Alexandria, Educator and Public Speaker on "Responsible Detoxification," was the Best of Raw Award Winner for Professional Raw Educator when the announcement was made Saturday evening at the awards show held at the Raw Living Expo.

LOS Angeles. CA (PRWEB) February 25, 2014

Online voting for the Best of Raw Awards was tallied up and awarded to Andrea Alexandria, Educator and Public Speaker from Mill Valley, California as their favorite Professional Raw Educator of the Year in Los Angeles Saturday night! The Best of Raw Awards Winner worked as a Detoxification Educator at the Living Foods Institute for several years before she was nominated for this award category.

Ms. Alexandria's presentations as a Detoxification Educator on "Responsible Detoxification" testing and evaluation have become recognized as a real value in this Age of Pollution. She has inspired many people to understand the importance of cleansing through raw living food nutrition, ozonotherapies in addition to external methods of detoxification.

She became knowledgeable in this field in order to save her own life, as Ms. Alexandria suffered an auto accident in her youth that nearly took her life and left her bedridden for many years. Now when she speaks about health, wellness and detoxification, it is from a place of gratitude knowing that what she shares is real and practical information that people can use for their own personal health and quality of life.

Ms. Alexandria published a website called The Detox Times. The Detox Times is a website publication news aggregator with a curated front page, aiming to select stories from physicians from around the world offering alternative treatments for toxic syndromes in toxic times. This website is specifically for the Internet audience interested in alternative medicine,Ozone therapy​ and trending health views.​

  • Work
    • Detoxification Educator
  • Education
    • American Academy of Ozonotherapies
    • Living Foods Institute