Andrea Rude

Ithaca New York United States

This Is Who I Am

Marketing professional specializing in helping people reach goals they didn't believe they could in the past. In October 2011 - My husband & I were introduced to a company that has changed our belief level in ourselves & our ability to generate a RESIDUAL income. As of July 2014 - I transitioned to be a stay at home mom while helping my husband with our business.

This Is WHO I Help

I help those who are motivated, who are willing to be coached, who are willing to work to help others and those who are willing to see a BIGGER picture for themselves, friends & family. This Is HOW I Help I help people see that there can be a BIGGER picture beyond a 9-5 job and they have the ability to break free from a 40 hour work week for 40 years before they can enjoy an early retirement with their family & friends. We invite those who have 5 minutes to INVEST in their future to watch a short video at our website below & decide if they might be or know someone who might be a good fit to help us expand.

Let's connect!

[email protected]

  • Work
    • Self Employed
  • Education
    • Tompkins Cortland Community College
    • TC3
    • Newark Valley High School