Andrian Shapiro

Entrepreneur in Boston, Massachusetts

Andrian Shapiro

Entrepreneur in Boston, Massachusetts

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As owner of Partners Properties LLC, currently doing business as LBC Boston, Andrian Shapiro oversees a large portfolio of commercial properties, residential communities, and development projects in eastern Massachusetts. He entered the industry as owner of a pharmacy and rehabilitation center chain, the success of which led to the opening of several other health-related businesses. Dedicated to improving such services in the community, Andrian Shapiro leveraged his position and resources to channel funds into area of health care.

With the co-founding of Partners Properties, Andrian Shapiro expanded his interests into a number of other industries including hospitality, entertainment, and food service. In recent years he has focused on the redevelopment of the city of Quincy, Massachusetts, where a large-scale project aims to introduce new developments along with improvements in infrastructure. Mr. Shapiro and his colleagues have purchased more than $23 million in properties that they plan to develop into residential, commercial, and mixed-use space while working closely with city administrators.

Active in the community on a personal level as well, Mr. Shapiro stands out as a generous donor to the local Temple B'Nai Moshe. He is now working with temple leadership in planning development concepts that will provide additional support and resources to the Russian Jewish community.

  • Work
    • LBC Boston