Angela Elliott

Writer and Artist in London, United Kingdom

Read my book

I've always told stories. My Mum used to say I was a good liar. Well, all stories are lies - carefully crafted lies that enthrall and entice - that draw you into another world - that relieve the boredom and stress of everyday life.

Once upon a time (yes, that old cherry) I worked in TV and film. I've also been a semiconductor engineer, a counsellor for victims of crime, a graphic artist and, more recently, worked for a construction company. Yep, I've been around the block a few times. Recently, I arrived back at filmmaking with the launch of my new company Londonshire Films Ltd.

My books are labours of love. Some Strange Scent of Death is about the disappearance of the Flannan lighthousekeepers in 1900.

The Remaining Voice is a Susan Hill style ghost story set in 1950s Paris.

The Finish tells the story of an 18th century prostitute forced to solve a murder or face execution.

Finally, feel free to contact me via twitter @anjgi or on facebook.

Visit my website:

Thanks and happy reading