Angela Raspass

Self-leadership Coach in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Angela Raspass

Self-leadership Coach in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I’m a strengths-based Self-leadership Coach, Mentor, and Facilitator, with a deep background in business strategy and personal development.

Over the past 20 years, I've helped hundreds of people develop the clarity, confidence, and action plans to thrive in the next chapter of their business, career, and life.

Is it time to make some changes?

Most of the people who reach out to connect with me feel they are at some sort of crossroads.

Sometimes it's an external catalyst.

A promotion or new business opportunity, a redundancy, significant relationship change, an adjustment as children leave home or some other transition to navigate that demands an identity, perspective, or skills shift.

But it's often an internal push.

Many times my clients are searching for fresh ideas in their businesses, a greater connection to purpose and meaning, a deeper understanding of themselves or a stronger sense of contribution. There's a rumbling, persistent feeling that they’re capable of more…

And with this search comes a recognition that they want and need a generative space for reflection, ideation, and growth. they want a sounding board to challenge and stretch their thinking, uncovering new opportunities and alternative directions.

If you’d like to explore how my coaching and mentoring, retreats and VIP days, all delivered through a self-leadership lens, could help you build you business, career and life, I invite you to book a free call with me here:

I’d love to be on your support team.



[email protected]

Some kind words…

"After an unexpected promotion, I felt like I was bobbing around in a vast ocean, focusing all of my energy simply on keeping afloat. After working with Angela, I now feel like I am in the boat, at the helm, steering it in a purposeful and exciting direction, with a new level of confidence and self-belief!"
Melanie Curry

“You are like the Brene Brown of business - people come to you to improve their business and career and end up discovering who they really are".
Michelle Richmond

“Angela is generous in spirit and in her considerable knowledge of what it takes to bring the business to life and grow it to maturity and beyond. She is also the number one cheerleader of your success, and those successes start to mount rapidly after working with her".
Wendy Kendall

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