Angela Porter

Registered Nurse, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Lover, Foodie & Entrepreneur. A Follower of Christ; striving to live my best life!

Thank you for visiting! I am a registered nurse who has ventured into the realms of entrepreneurship and network/online marketing.

First and foremost - I LOVE being a nurse! Unfortunately, health care politics have reduced a once therapeutic and altruistic milieu, to simply a 'business'. As such, the working conditions have become nearly unbearable. This current 'State of the Union' has created a markedly decreased job satisfaction, and the dreaded burnout effect. As helping others is ingrained within my very being, I will never completely leave my chosen profession. Nevertheless, starting a home-based business will place me in control of my work hours, and help to dissolve some of the burnout effect I am presently experiencing

My life thus far definitely "ain't been no crystal stair." I continue in my struggle to overcome early life experiences, that resulted in feelings of worthlessness, inferiority, inadequacy, and an overall diminished self-esteem. But through God, I have come a long way! I do realize and recognize, however, that there are others who have stories yet untold. Others who have, unfortunately, experienced their own trials and tribulations. Although I do not always see it, I have much to be grateful for.

Mentoring and Motivational/Empowerment Coaching are my specialties. Due to my own rough start, I have firsthand experience and knowledge, of how tough it can be to release past traumas, and the subsequent pain and suffering. It is a daily battle, but one that can be overcome! I offer a therapeutic, confidential and nonjudgmental environment; a sacred space in which you can reveal and release your innermost thoughts and angst.

My goal is to attain, and subsequently maintain, an elevated spirituality. My aspiration is to always treat others as I myself desire to be treated. It is a daily struggle, but one I intend to conquer. Yet, I do realize my limitations. As a mere human, I am inherently flawed and must strive not for perfection, but to be the best that I can possibly be.

Each day brings new learning experiences, and a renewed energy and desire to fully and unabashedly enjoy and savor each moment! As I traverse this enigma that is life, I would be honored if you'd walk awhile with me.

Blessings & Prosperity,

Angela Porter

  • Education
    • University of Texas at Tyler