Angel X. Valentin

Personal Trainer in NYC & Westchester County

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It’s a great time to be alive however does your body feel that way? All of us go through the motions of life with different commitments and responsibilities. Have you ever asked yourself: “I have taken every measure of handling others' situation however I do not have the time to even take care of myself?” It is important to take care of yourself first before you are able to take care of others. This is not to say to stop everything that you are currently doing however just take an opportunity to do a self-evaluation. Your body is like a brand new car as it needs TLC. It is going to cost you a fortune to repair it if not careful. Your body works the same way as overtime you lose muscle mass, inexplicably gain or lose more weight than usual, bones become brittle, etc. Whatever it may be, you have now put yourself in a bad situation. God has given us only one body and it is our job to take care of it. Your body is your temple and deserves respect. The great news is that you can take back control of your body.

My name is Angel and I’m a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Performance Specialist humbly serving NYC and Westchester County Residents. I train my clients with with the "Everyday Strong" principle. This is done by building your body aesthetically, with power, and strongman-like capabilities to create the best looking and the best performing bodies to accomplish everyday tasks.

As a Certified Personal Trainer; I want to aid you with your goals. The business provides the following:

Everyday Strong Beginnings (New Client Starter Special) @

1-ON-1 Private Personal Training

Semi-Private Personal Training (2-4 People)

Free Fitness Consultation

Sports Nutrition Guidance

New! Client Success Lifting Videos @

Are You Ready To Power Up!