Anthony Lee

Feng Shui Consultant in Singapore

Visit my company website

Life is about experiencing, having a good career, good health, a nice family with lovely children, and a loving and supportive spouse. And enough money to have a comfortable life. That is the basic wish for everyone.

However, life is cruel and merciless. People always encounter problems relating to relationship, career, money and health.

I asked myself why. What have they done to deserve that?

Finally, I understand the fundamentals governing our lives and I want to assist people around me to better their lives, thriving towards their goals.

Life is a journey and I can help you to lessen the bumpy road. Living a happy and enriching life.

Specialized in:

  • BAZI Reading (八字)
  • Chinese Name Study (姓名学)
  • Date Selection (选吉日)
  • Feng Shui (风水)
  • Work
    • Lee Metaphysics Consulting
  • Education
    • University of Canberra