Anthony Oren

CEO in Nero Consulting Inc.

Visit my company website

Cyber Security & Technology Consultancy

“I help companies use technology to succeed and stay secure!” 💬

Reach out to me on Linkedin or on Twitter @AnthonyOrenfor "Trusted Technology Advisory" if you need help with managing your technology.

  • IT Managed Services
  • Technology Projects
  • Backup/Disaster/BC Planning
  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Migrations

✌I am a Panelist at 2024 CHANNELPRO DEFEND:EAST

“Attacking the Insider Threat Problem Head-on”
Insider threats are the "friendly fire" of the business world. Employees, former staff, and industry partners can destroy an entire business by misusing technology or allowing threat actors in. Join our panel of experts as they provide real-world examples of insiders abusing their access. They'll detail how those risks could have been mitigated and identify their favorite tools and educational strategies. Follow along as we chart an MSP's role in safeguarding corporate assets from the dangers that lie within.


Keynote Speaker at ChannelPro “Faces of the Channel” @ The Venetian Resort & Expo, Las Vegas, 2023

✍ Q&A in FORBES:

Educating Companies On The Cybersecurity Challenges Of Remote Work

✍ Cover of ChannelPro:

How AI Makes Our Cybersecurity Stronger—and Clients Safer

✍ Featured in Digital Journal:

Cyber Security Company, Nero Consulting, on the Rise of Ransomware

✍ Featured in DISRUPT Magazine:

How Nero Consulting Stays at the Cutting-Edge of Technology

✍ Featured article in ITBREW:

IT vs. End-Users via ITBREW

✍ Featured (in foreword) in the “The Backup Bible” eBook (2022) “Be Like Nero!” proclaims SMB Nation Founder and CEO Harry Brelsford in his foreword for managing backups for businesses.

✍ Panelist on the Channel Partners Cyber Security Online Summit (2022)

✍ Nero Consulting makes the CRN Security Top 100 List

Anthony Oren Q&A on the state of IT Managed Services Providers (MSP) in CEO/CFO Magazine

Anthony Oren on lessons of “Launching an MSP” on ChannelFutures

✍ Anthony Oren interview on Ransomware revealing bigger problems for Financial Fir

  • Work
    • Nero Consulting, Inc.
  • Education
    • New York University, Masters in Management of Tech