April Starr
Director in Chicago, Illinois, United States
April Starr
Director in Chicago, Illinois, United States
April Starr is a practitioner, leader, and educator in Human-Centered Design on both the research and design sides. Her experience spans two decades encompassing roles at IDEO, dScout, iota, McGraw-Hill Education, Motorola Solutions, and e-lab. April's skill lies in her capacity to address complex, systemic problems with a deep understanding of people’s needs. Her problem-solving skills have been applied to strategic innovation, service design, and user experience in hardware and software development. Currently, April is applying Human Centered Design to one of the most difficult spaces: Public Safety. Her mission is to infuse a human-centered approach into the problem-solving strategies of police and others working in public safety. After going through a traumatic experience of her own, she became passionate about the impact design can have in mitigating high stress situations. April has a Master of Design in Design Planning from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Institute of Design, and a B.F.A in Industrial Design from Carnegie Mellon University.