Arben Cherisha

If you were to ask anyone who knows me they would tell you, that I am truly a blessed person. Living and working in different places and exploring the magnificent values of many different cultures has driven me to pursue a deeper understanding about the human condition and given me a rich and comprehensive outlook of better understanding the international communication of different societies. I was born in city of Durres, Albania, in one of the most beautiful and picturesque areas along the coast of the Adriatic Sea

When I was 23, I chose to apply my skills to the maritime tradition of my native city. Growing up in a city on the coast of the Adriatic instilled in me a strong passion and love for the sea. The endless space, the liveliness, and the vitality nature of the sea drew me in. I learned the skill of navigation which is a complex task that deals with the many major forces of nature, and requires one to plan ahead, be an efficient communicator, and weigh risks at the highest stakes imaginable. This is where I learned what it takes to survive. All the hardships that I endured were worth it for the opportunity they gave me to indulge myself in my passion, I started to gain knowledge of other cultures. I looked deep into their differences, values, and into their cultural continuum, which enlightened for me the amazing social processes at work inside of the human experience. During my travels I have been to China, Northern Africa, all countries of coastal Europe, Vietnam, Singapore, Russia, United States, Jordan, Syria and countless other places.

In December 1990, Albania became a free country, liberating itself from the totalitarianism that had isolated its citizens for 45 years. The free market economy came and I took this opportunity to get involved in a new and exciting ownership opportunity. I bought part of a printing company and was very successful over the next eight years. My mechanical skills helped me become a high qualified printing press operator.

In 1997, I was offered the opportunity to come to America to live. Being highly skilled and well-traveled I felt very prepared to adapt and start a new career in a country brimming with opportunity. Summer 2013 I graduated from SPEA, IU Bloomington

Coming to America opened a new chapter in my life. Having the opportunity to thrive in America is why I am truly blessed.