Armor Games

Student and Designer in Iva, South Carolina

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The game's five distinct endings did not blow me away, but The Majesty of Colors does a fantastic job of packaging in a great deal of narrative despite using such a little number of factors.

I was thrilled to find that The Majesty of all Colors only obtained a contemporary remaster which was rebuilt from the ground up to operate current-generation apparatus. Rather than relying upon a Flash-based site to maintain the match on the internet, or the first founder hosting a mirror in their website, I finally have a copy of it to stay forever on

Since the sun sets on older technology, matches tied to antiquated platforms will eventually be dropped to the passing of time. Fortunately, console games can nevertheless be played in their first hardware, but then, the ones that rely on online services still endure. Maintaining a Flash game may be a time-consuming procedure, even for a little one such as The Majesty of colours, that was remastered by just two individuals.

However, for Melissa and Gregory Avery-Weir, the duo behind the sport, maintaining Majesty for prospective audiences was significant: not just for the sake of maintaining their game working on upgraded hardware, but also to use the advantages of modern technologies to polish this up, keeping its appeal and value for both elderly lovers and new ones.

After hammering the remastered match for the very first time, you unlock a protracted Notes segment, where the programmers detail the process of remastering the match. A significant part of the job was to maintain the appearance and feel while making it live up to contemporary standards. More legible text and upgraded controls for touch apparatus enable The Majesty of Colors to be more accessible as it can ever be in its own Flash version.

The early-aughts ubiquity of Flash was fantastic: A myriad of programmers tried out new ideas and obtained them up facing countless individuals very quickly. Considering that the way we find games has changed dramatically in the past decade -- thanks to areas like Steam, Reddit and Polygon -- it becomes much less probable that new gamers will find the jewels of yesteryear. For Your Majesty of colours, that will not be the situation.