Kristen Arnett

Winter Park, FL

Kristen Arnett is a fiction and essay writer who has held fellowships at Tin House, Kenyon Review, and Lambda Literary Foundation. She was awarded Ninth Letter's 2015 Literary Award in Fiction and was named an honorable mention for Glimmer Train's Short Story Award for New Writers. Her work has either appeared or is upcoming at North American Review, The Normal School, Ninth Letter, Superstition Review, Blunderbuss Magazine, Pithead Chapel, Joyland Magazine, Hawaii Pacific Review, Timber Journal, The Rumpus, The Toast, and Burrow Press Review. She is currently finishing up her first short fiction collection. You can find her on twitter here: @Kristen_Arnett

  • Work
    • Olin Library, Rollins College
  • Education
    • Rollins College, Florida State University