Arnold Thomas Fanning

Writer, Facilitator, and Mentor in Ireland

Arnold Thomas Fanning

Writer, Facilitator, and Mentor in Ireland

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Arnold Thomas Fanning is a writer living in Cork, Ireland. His short stories, articles, and essays have been published in The Dublin Review, Banshee, The Irish Times, Crazyhorse Magazine, The Phoenix Anthology of New Irish Writing, gorse,, Paper Visual Art Journal Online, The Lonely Crowd, Correspondences: An Anthology to Call for an End to Direct Provision, The Music of What Happens: The Purple House Anthology of New Writing, Empty House: Poetry and Prose on the Climate Crisis, The Stinging Fly, Show Your Work: Essays from the Dublin Review, and Keywordsfor RTÉ Radio 1.

In 2020 he was Arts Council Writer in Residence, NUI Galway, in 2021 was Carlow County Council Arts Office Writer in Residence, as well as a Mentor in Memoir for the Munster Literature Centre, and in 2022 he taught Life Writing for The Lantern Project in Nano Nagle Place in Cork City.

His book, Mind on Fire: A Memoir of Madness and Recoverywas published by Penguin Ireland in 2018 and shortlisted for the Butler Literary Award, The Irish Book Awards Newcomer of the Year, and the Wellcome Book Prize.

He is a mentor with the Irish Writers Centre and frequently facilitates workshops in creative writing both online and in-person.

He can be contacted at arnoldtfanningwriter[at]gmail[dot]com

  • Education
    • University College, Dublin
    • Manchester Metropolitan University