Amber Seira

Payment and Blockchain in Los Angeles, CA

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Amber Seira (pronouns she/her) is a fintech and public sector practitioner with expertise in blockchain, payments, and banking. Currently she is a community ambassador for Oasis.

A former technology analyst at the Federal Reserve Board, Seira led payment innovation research projects at the Technology Lab. Seira also implemented innovation initiatives for the governments of Peru and the United States. In 2017, Seira used a Fulbright professional grant to study government adoption of blockchain technology. Before her Fulbright grant, Seira served in the administration of President Barack Obama in the U.S. Small Business Administration. Seira is an alumna of Indiana University, where she earned a Master's in Public Affairs.

Seira's civic tech endeavors address gender and racial inclusion in the technology and finance industry. Feel free to get in touch through any of the social links below.

  • Work
    • Ambassador at Oasis
  • Education
    • Indiana University Bloomington