Selusi Ambrogio

Shanghai, China

Selusi Ambrogio

Shanghai, China

I am a PhD student in Philosophy, BA and MA in Philosophy and MA in Asian languages (India & China). I'm also attending a Master in "Social Media Marketing & blogging" of the SQcuola di Blog (Parma) with project work or stage on "Verdi Museum" (Social Media marketing & Tourism).

My academic filds are History of Philosophy, Indian civilization, Chinese civilization and Orientalism.

Social Media is really the most effective way to implement all my competencies and interests. In Social Media and in specifically in Personal and Company Branding, the pivotal difficulty is to cope with identities: to create new identities, to dialogue with other identities, to relaunch an identity in crisis. That is what I want to do in Chinese Social Media for Western Companies and for Tourism. Actually I live in Shanghai and I'm improving my Chinese language.

  • Education
    • PhD student